​Sabbatical | Rev. Rachel

Clergy who remain in the same position are encouraged to take a sabbatical every six years or so. Many of you may recall I had a sabbatical in the summer of 2016. While I was looking forward to my next sabbatical, I realized I didn’t want to be gone the year we are reshaping as COVID waned and church was coming back together in new and different ways. I wanted to do some good and hard work with the Vestry so that they were poised to lead, along with the associates, in my absence. Now that we are in a more stable position, I will be on Sabbatical from mid-May to mid-August this year. There will be some informational gatherings via zoom in the coming weeks so keep your eyes on the emails for the date and time. Sabbatical is a time for a clergy person to renew, refresh, revision, and replenish one’s spiritual and emotional self. I look forward to my time away. AND the Vestry and clergy have some exciting speakers and gatherings for you all as you experience a sabbatical time from me. More soon!

Rev. Rachel+